
Pullman - Putrajaya - 2013

Pullman lake

like pullman

nice view pullman

Pullman Hotel Putrajaya

This 5-star hotel has 21 fully equipped meeting rooms. Or you can take your seminar or conference outdoors to the lakefront amphitheatre. On the other hand, if you come to the Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside to relax in the spa or do nothing by the pool, you're not likely to regret it.

Extras of this hotel
The hotel offers countless leisure facilities, perfect for indulgence or exhilaration. Take advantage of Fit and Spa Lounge, five delicious eateries including an exquisite waterfront restaurant, eclectic bars, a chic deli and a range of water sports.

Lowest prices found over the following seven days. 
These prices may be based on different room types. Depending on the country, these prices may not include taxes, may include VAT only or may include all taxes (VAT and city tax). When prices do not include all taxes, the relevant taxes (VAT and/or city tax) will be stated in the following stages of the reservation process. The price is only guaranteed at the time of reservation. 

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