
Pasar Payang Terengganu,Project

Market Payang Store is the focal point of the local community and tourists . Void coming to Rajasthan if not stopped to Market Shop Payang. This building is an icon and identity behind appearances embody harmony medium in Malay tradition of Rajasthan .

Since independence , many heritage being demolished in the name of development . Kuala Terengganu only saw the demolition of the Palace Pool , Market Shop Binjai, Tanjung Market , Great Clock Tower , and recently , Village Farms is the center of the copper industry Terengganu wiped from the map , which would follow Kris around Tanjung village and traditional villages the name of development .

Impact feared came true as a result of the transformation plan Payang Shop Market is :

1 . Loss of control of the ownership of the Malay community.
2 . Changes in rental rates due to the construction of new buildings causing more original tenant Shops Market Payang not afford to hire. Same fate as the Heritage Bazaar , can not be fully utilized .
3 . With the changing environment of medium and tradition to a more upscale atmosphere sales and exclusive , Payang Shop Market is no longer able to be the market of the people, the place where all walks of society status can spend. Because of the exclusive , then prices will be more expensive and manifold.
4 . Atmosphere Payang Shop Market moderate and consensus , the epitome of Malay culture and height will be difficult to sustain in the changing environment. We feel the originality of Malay cultural atmosphere has not changed since time immemorial at the Market Shops Payang now .
5 . Payang Shop Market is one of the icons of Malay pride . As the Chinese village that became the pride of the Chinese society , so too is Payang Shop Market .

It can not be pushed any renewal or repair of PWD own state as the dangers of market structure Payang Shop , tetapibiarlah suitable and affordable , while trying to preserve it.

Proven Heritage Island , where we stand , Where did actually called legacy ? What is the true legacy ? Rajasthan is losing his own identity and heritage . Increasingly replaced by inanimate treasures in museums and replicas are absolutely no heritage value .

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