Closed Up Flower - Sony Digital

A great way of bringing the indoor studio look to the outdoors is by using colored cards (in some situations, you can simply bring the flowers inside to the studio). Colored cards are easy to find and you can buy them at a stationery store or art supply store. To use them, place the card behind the flower, and choose a complementary or contrasting color to bring out the petals. If indoors, use a spotlight pointing directly at the back and center of the image, so as to create a gentle halo effect and a two toned background

Flowers are not just about the petals but about the leaves too. Using a creative eye, carefully pick out the fine details and repetitive patterns you can see. Use a macro lens to get the best magnification. You can use a ringlight flash to add contrast to the image, but make sure there is no blur or camera shake - a common problem with extremely close up images. Shoot on a low ISO, either 50 or 100 to get a fine grain and bright color reproduction.

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