OrangUtan Ape Centre - Sony

Monkey Zoo


Rilex Monkey

Orangutan Sony

Black Monkey

The Ape Centre is situated at the highest point of Zoo Negara. There, you get to see the group of chimpanzees from Africa and two species of Orang utans, Bornean orang utans and Sumatran orang utan.

Chimpanzees share nearly 98.8% of our Human DNA which explains why they look and behave like humans. If you spend most of your day up at the Ape Centre observing these animals, you will see them kissing, shaking hands and some time, even bickering among each other.

The Ape Centre has an open-concept enclosure which allows our apes to roam freely. Watch for Katy and Manja, our retired superstars from the Show area posing for photos when they spot your camera or enjoy Katy mischievously teasing her friends in the exhibit.

With lush greenery all around, the Ape Centre is one of the coolest and scenic location in the zoo.

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