Green Apple - Market

Green Apple - Market

9 Health Benefits of Eating Green Apples

Apples are some of the most nutritious and healthy fruits that have numerous health benefits. There are many different types of apples; red apples, green apples, etc. Red apples are more common than the green apples; however, green apples also referred as Granny Smith have numerous health benefits and are also packed with minerals, vitamins and fiber which are very essential for your body. If you do not eat green apples frequently, here are some reasons as to why you should be eating green apples more often.

1) Natural Anti-Aging Properties

Green apples are packed with antioxidants which are responsible for cell re-building and rejuvenation. Antioxidants present in green apples also help to retain the elasticity of your skin thus giving you a youthful look. Taking green apples everyday can help you have a youthful look naturally without going for surgery or any botox injection.

2) Nourishes Your Skin and Improves Its Texture

Green apple extract is a common ingredient in most beauty products. Antioxidants present in green apples help to fight wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin. Green apples are also rich in vitamins which moisturize your skin and improve its texture. Green apples can also help to prevent and control skin ailments such as acne and pimples. Taking green apples everyday can boost the appearance and texture of your skin. You can also use a face mask of green apples to help rejuvenate your skin.

3) Eliminates Dark Eye Circles

Having dark eye circles is a common beauty problem that affects many people. Dark eye circles are commonly caused by a lack of sleep, and can make you look tired and dull. There are many ways in which you can get rid of the dark eye cycles. The best way to get rid of the tired looking eyes is by eating green apples. Antioxidants and vitamins present in green apples help to get rid of the dark circles and refresh the look of your eyes.

4) Boosts Hair Growth and Prevents Hair Loss

Hair is very important, especially to women, and redundant hair growth and hair loss are some of the main challenges that both women and men face. Just like any other part of your body that needs nutrients, your hair also requires nutrients to grow and become healthy.

It is also a recognized remedy for strengthening the locks, enhancing hair growth and preventing hair loss. Green apples are rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese and potassium which play a great role in the development and formation of hair strands.

5) Treat and Prevent Dandruff

Dandruff is caused by a buildup of dead skin cells and dirt. Dry scalp can also cause dandruff. Some people are more prone to dandruff than others. Having dandruff can not only be uncomfortable but it can also be embarrassing. Green apples are a natural remedy for dandruff. They help to moisturize your scalp by providing your scalp with nutrients to keep it moisturized thus keeping off dandruffs. There are some shampoos made from green apple extract. Using these shampoos can help to fight off dandruff and give you healthy hair strands and scalp.

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